Responsible Use Policy: AI Tools & Systems
    • AI Output Review: Always review and critically assess outputs from AI tools before submission or dissemination. Staff and students should never rely solely on AI-generated content without review.
    • Bias and Misinformation: Be aware that AI-generated content may possess biases or inaccuracies. Always verify AI-produced results using trusted sources before considering them in academic work.
    • Safety & Respect: Users must not use AI tools to create or propagate harmful, misleading, or inappropriate content (Note: This may also be added to a student code of conduct or bullying/harassment policy).
    • Transparency: Any use of AI to aid assignments, projects, or research must be declared.
    • Usage: AI tools will be used for educational purposes only. Misuse or malicious use of AI technologies will lead to disciplinary action.
Privacy Policy: AI & Data Collection
    • Data Collection: Parents, guardians, and students will be informed of specific data collection initiatives, and where applicable, consent will be sought. All AI-driven data collection will adhere to local data protection regulations and best practices.
    • Third-Party AI Tools: The school’s approved list of AI tools should always be consulted. Unauthorized AI tools might not adhere to our data privacy standards.
    • Personal Information: Staff and students should never input personal, sensitive, or confidential data into any AI system without prior authorization, including any data related to student education records.
Academic Integrity Policy: AI Assistance
    • Assessments: AI tools may be used as a tutor or studying assistant to prepare for assessments, such as exams or quizzes, but not in the context of completing exams or quizzes unless explicitly stated.
    • Assignments: Teachers are responsible for clarifying appropriate or prohibited uses of AI tools. Teachers might allow the limited use of generative AI on entire assignments or parts of assignments. They should articulate why they do not allow its use in other assignments or parts of assignments.
    • Bias & Critical Thinking: Teachers and students alike should critically evaluate AI-generated content for potential biases or inaccuracies and understand the limitations of AI and the importance of cross-referencing with trusted sources.
    • Citations: Any AI-generated content used in assignments must be appropriately cited; its use must be disclosed and explained. As part of the disclosure, students may choose to cite their use of an AI system using one of the following resources:
    • Plagiarism: AI tools may be used for brainstorming or preliminary research, but using AI to generate answers or complete assignments without proper citation or passing off AI-generated content as one’s own is considered plagiarism.
    • Use of AI Detection Tools: At present, technologies that claim to detect content developed by generative AI are not sufficiently accurate to make reliable determinations of cheating and plagiarism. Therefore, while some teachers might use such systems to inform the feedback they provide to students about improving their writing, we discourage reliance on these systems to determine responsibility in cases where plagiarism is suspected.​
Access Sample Considerations

Sample Considerations for Existing Policies

Below are examples of language based on the Principles for AI in Education that are relevant to responsible use policies, privacy policies, and academic integrity policies. These policies should be developed in accordance with your education system’s established policy development process, which may include review by a policy committee, key stakeholders, and legal counsel before seeking approval from governing bodies.

In creating your own guidance or addendums to existing policies, we recommend that you:

    While issuing standalone AI guidance may serve as an initial step, guidelines could also be incorporated into existing policies.

        • Use language that's clear and familiar to educators, administrators, and students.
        • Engage local educators, parents, students, and community members to gather feedback and insights.
        • Account for the available technological infrastructure, like internet access and device availability.
        • Ensure policies account for the training needs of educators to implement new guidelines effectively.

    This language is for illustrative purposes and should be customized.

      AI Guidance for Schools Toolkit © 2023 by, CoSN, Digital Promise, European EdTech Alliance, and PACE is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

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