Policy Ideas
Foundational Policy Ideas
for AI in Education
Foster Leadership
Provide Guidance
Promote AI Literacy
Build Capacity
Support Innovation
Foundational policies can support educators, staff, students, and parents in engaging with AI in a manner that augments, rather than replaces, the human touch.
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Foster Leadership
An AI in education task force can help foster leadership by appointing AI experts, educators, staff, administrators, parents, students, and policymakers with diverse perspectives to help shape legislation, regulation, and guidance. It is crucial that practicing educators are selected as key voices in the task force. The task force should recommend policies, oversee pilot programs, and monitor unintended consequences to steer AI adoption aligned to the education system’s goals.
Establish an AI in Education Task Force to oversee policy development and implementation.
ExcelinEd has an example of an AI in Education Task Force policy.
Promote AI Literacy
Integrate AI skills and concepts, including their foundational principles, social impacts, and ethical concerns, into existing curriculum and instruction.
AI literacy combines understanding how AI works, including its principles, concepts, and applications, with how to use AI, such as its limitations, implications, and ethical considerations. AI literacy involves the responsible use of AI tools across all subjects and the study of foundational subjects such as computer science, data science, ethics, psychology, and statistics.
Education systems should consider various approaches to promoting AI literacy, including integrating AI concepts and practices into relevant existing academic standards. AI literacy prepares students to be informed consumers of AI and the future creators of technologies that utilize AI. 
As of September 2024, there are 11 U.S. states and over 30 countries that have made computer science a graduation requirement, a fundamental aspect of AI literacy. See Ten Policy Ideas to Make Computer Science Foundational.
Provide Guidance
Equip schools with guidance on the safe and responsible use of AI.
Clear and practical national, state, and local AI guidelines can empower schools to harness AI's potential benefits while ensuring student privacy and responsible usage. Early guidance should address issues such as prioritizing equitable access to AI tools, minimizing bias, utilizing legally and ethically created training sets and models, reaffirming adherence to existing privacy and security policies, and maintaining human decision-making. With robust guidance, education systems can improve safety and enhance consistency in classroom adoption.
As of January 2025, twenty-six U.S. states have published AI guidance: ALAZCA, CO, CT, DE, GA, HI, INKY, LA, MIMNMS, NC, ND, NJ, OH, OK, OR, UTVA, WA, WI, WV and WY, as well as Puerto Rico. See the TeachAI AI Guidance for Schools ToolkitAustralia, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and the United States are some of the countries that have published national guidance on AI in education.
Build Capacity
Provide funding and programs to support educator and staff professional development on AI.
Dedicated funding for high-quality professional development for administrators, teachers, and support staff can build systemwide capacity for the responsible and effective integration of AI in education. Ongoing professional development should cover how AI works, including its limitations and ethical considerations, and how to use AI to complement teaching practices. These experiences should also be made available in teacher preparation programs.
In the U.S., existing federal funding sources like ESEA Title II-A, ESEA Title IV-A, and IDEA Part B can also support professional learning.
Support Innovation
Promote the research and development of safe and effective AI in education practices, curricula, and tools.
Understanding what tools and practices are effective for safely and responsibly introducing AI in schools is essential. Funding research and development at every stage of AI integration, including pilot programs and evaluation, can help educators and staff make informed, research-based decisions.
Singapore’s AI Centre for Educational Technologies and Israel’s Institute for Applied Research of AI and Education support research and innovation.
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 Foundational Policy Ideas for AI in Education

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